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Observer UnexpectedValueException
  • Hi there, I'm trying to create an observer that "logs" the logged user id in create_by and updated_by columns. More or less the same this as created_at and updated_at does. Here's what I have: 1) Created a new file under app/classes/observer/updatedby.php 2) Added this code to the file: 3) In my Orm model added:
     protected static $_observers = array(
            'Orm\\Observer_CreatedBy' => array("before_insert"),
            'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedBy' => array("before_save"),

    but when I tried to insert the new orm object I get the error:
    UnexpectedValueException [ Error ]: Orm\Observer_UpdatedBy

    I tried to debug it and I notice that in packages/orm/classes/model.php in observe method the var $observer_class has the value Orm\Observer_Observer_UpdatedBy that is wrong I think. Is this a bug or I am doing something wrong? Cheers
  • I think I see your problem. change:
    'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedBy' => array("before_save")

    'Observer_UpdatedBy' => array("before_save")

    Try it and let us know. :)
  • Hey jonhny Thanks, but still won't work, check this: maybe it helps :/
  • You should not prefix with 'Observer_', the ORM class does that for you, that's why you get it twice.
  • After some struggling and with the help of WanWizard in IRC I was able to get it work. My model: My Observer: located in app/classes/observer/updatedby.php Thank you all!
  • That's weird.. why would you 'edit' the ORM package by adding a new file? Why not create a new package (collection maybe) and extend from there and add the new package to the allways_load config?
  • Indeed, your solution is better.
  • You have to add your obsrver file to orm package bootstrap, it should fix the problem :)

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