OK, it is important to understand URI routing, especially for beginner. I had started to learn and use this framwork one month ago. And first a few hours, for routing touble.
And a few days ago, I had a trouble about this. So to understand routing and kill my bugs, I tried to find good idea.
Then, I got an idea, made one small controller like this:
class Controller_Testroute extends Controller {
function action_index() {
And temporary all controllers and actions changed to this class/action on app/config/routes.php.
This small code show information to debug/understand routing of fuel. Specially 'path' show matched pattern.
Now the time to use your eye-balls(for docs) and hands(to type) and a head(to understand) with Fuelphp routing.
Try those:
Q1: This code don't work to intend. Why? and How correct it?
in routes.php...
':year' => 'calendar/yearly',
':year/:month' => 'calendar/monthly',
':year/:month/:day' => 'calendar/daily',
Q2: If you successfully corrected Q1 pattern, add route to 404 when more than 4 segments specified.
Q3: Alter with Q1 pattern. This also don't work. Why? How correct?
'blog' => 'blog/index',
'blog/(:any)' => 'blog/anything/$1',
'blog/post/(:num)' => 'blog/create/$1',
Q4: Now Fuelphp version.1.1, your_domain.com/Hello and/or .../HELLO, and/or .../HeLLo don't match this. How specify a pattern like non case-sensitivity? (Basically, capital URL is not good by historical reason about old file name system. So just try as funny question.) (Tips : It is just regular expression problem.)
'hello' => 'welcome/index',
Q5: What segment match with this route pattern? (not only abc/def/xyz patter. fine more. Tips: Which difference between :any and :segment?)
'abc/(:any)/xyz' => 'dummy/things/$1',
Q6: Final question. Correct this to work properly. (Non defined patterns must go to 404.)
':categorya' => 'index/show/1',
':categorya/:categoryb' => 'index/show/2',
':categorya/:categoryb/:categoryc' => 'index/show/3',
':categorya/:categoryb/(:num)' => 'index/showboth/$3',
':categorya/:categoryb/:categoryc/(:num)' => 'index/showall/$4',
'blog' => 'blog/index',
'about' => 'blog/about',
'signup' => 'user/create',
'login' => 'user/login',
'logout' => 'user/logout',
'blog/post' => 'blog/create',
'blog/post/(:any)' => 'blog/create/$1',
For beginner, use your hands, use your eyes, use your head. There are funny questions to solve. And you can get a lot of idea about routing.
Change all controller/action to testroute/index in routes.php and try them.
Have a fun!
I'm not good English writer, so sorry to understand my writing.
ML Hirohisa Kawase
On my first post, I gave some question about fuelphp routing.
Before I used named parameter like ':area1', ':area2' on some questions. But it made error.
So now changed to 'areaa', 'areab' to prevent errors.
What I did.
I never said it was any error, because no explain I can use numeric character on named parameter. Just correct my code(questions).
But I don't know 'doesn't work'. The document don't say I can use number in name.
And someone want to know about fuel routing see this topic, and find they can't use number in their named parameter.
That's all.
I used named parameter with num like 'area1', but it is not able to. An error happen.
So I changed named parameter included all alphabetic character on Q6.