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Is there something similar to Kohana's $orm_model->loaded property?
  • Kohana ORM has "loaded" property which turns true if the object was loaded from from database... is there something similar in Fuel's ORM?
  • You could use $model->is_new()...
  • Harro Verton wrote on Tuesday 17th of January 2012:
    You could use $model->is_new()...

    Hmm so if I understand this right... if I load user with ID=5 from DB like $user = Model_User::find(5), then $user->is_new() would return true if user was loaded from DB or false, if user with id 5 does not exist?
  • No. is_new() is true when an object doesn't have a primary key, i.e. is has never been saved before. That includes an "empty" model. If you find a record, is_new() returns false as the object has a primary key. If you do a find and you get no results, there are no results.

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