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Pivot table problems
  • Hi, This is my first time to try pivot table on a $_many_many relationship here at FuelPHP. Having some problems. I hope you can help. Here's the situation: I have a form - Communication cards. Each communication card will have multiple Requests that the user will check. Here's the code for the multiple check boxes Here's my model for Comcards
    Here's my model for Requests Here's my pivot table comcards_requests I can't figure out how to save the selected items to comcards_requests without having an error. I tried several approaches but still wouldn't work. Need help. Thanks!
  • Could you give the actual code you used and the error as well?
  • Hi Jelmer This is mostly generated via the scaffold. But line 16 is the one I was trying. I tried other methods (like doing that after the save(), etc, but would work. Here's the screenshot of the error... Thanks.
  • The following line is the cullprit: $comcard->requests[] = Input::post('requests'); You can't add numbers, you have to add object instances:
    foreach(Input::post('requests', array()) as $req)
        $comcard->requests[] = Model_Request::find($req);
  • Jelmer, you're the best. :D Thanks! (I was doing it the Kohana way. I guess I need to unlearn some stuff :D)

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