Hello, I find Fuel gallery package on Git Hub https://github.com/Phil-F/Fuel-gallery and I have a little problem with create new gallery.
My controller :
public function action_create($id = null)
if (Input::method() == 'POST')
$new_gallery = array(
'name' => (string) Input::post('name'),
'filename' => (string) Input::post('filename'),
'parent_id' => (string) Input::post('parent_id'),
$success = Gallery::section()->create($new_gallery);
if( $success)
Session::set_flash('success', 'Added gallery ');
$this->template->title = "Galerie";
$this->template->content = View::forge('admin\gallery/create');
It works, but in database I don´t see anything.. No new rows.
Do you use this gallery package ? Do you have the same problem ?
This is a third party package and is not supported by FuelPHP.
Look for the thread for this package in the "Code Share" forum, and ask the author of the package.