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validation->run() fails but I can't figure out why?
  • I am stuck with validation issue and I don't know how to proceed. Here is my controller code
      if (Input::method() == 'POST')
       $val = Model_Article::validate('create');
       if ($val->run())
        $article = Model_Article::create_article();
        if ($article)
         Session::set_flash('success', '?lanek dodan #'.$user->id.'.');
         Session::set_flash('error', 'Napaka pri dodajanju ?lanka.');
        $errors = $val->error();

    and my Model_Article code
     public static function validate($factory)
      $val = Validation::forge($factory);
      $val->add_field('category_id', 'Kategorija', 'required');
      $val->add_field('title', 'Naslov ?lanka', 'required|max_length[500]');
      $val->add_field('summary', 'Povzetek ?lanka', 'required|max_length[500]');
      $val->add_field('body', 'Vsebina', 'required');
      $val->add_field('tags', 'Tagi', 'required');
      return $val;

    The $val->run() will always return false... And the $val->error() is empty, so there are no input errors. What else could be wrong?
  • Never mind. Was problem in my jquery plugin I use for WYSIWYG editor! You can delete this thread.

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