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Is There Any Built-In Solution to Show Notification Messages?
  • Hey, I'm two steps from finishing my a11n package! =) There are just few things I need to finish/improve. Is there any built-in solution for showing notification messages? For example, before I did like this...
    } else {
      $this->output = 'Given data aren\'t valid!';

    It seems it don't work anymore (I have latest branch from GitHub) and, anyways, it's definitely not the right way. So what do you suggest?
  • Assuming you want a message to only show for a single page request, the session class's flash functionality could be what you're looking for. See set_flash and get_flash here:
  • We've removed the output class and replaced it with the Response class, this means that to create the output you no longer use $this->output in your controller but instead:
    // add to the current body
    $this->response->body .= 'something';
    // or use the function to replace the entire body

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