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How to create EXISTS or NOT EXISTS statements?
  • Hi, I'd like to be able to create a IF NOT EXISTS subquery, however the where() method always expects a column to be given, so something like Model_Xyz::find()
    ->where(null, 'not exists', DB::query(SELECT * FROM foo))
    ->get() will always generate WHERE `t0`.`` NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `foo`), which of course is invalid SQL. If only there was a way to allow where() to not require a column... What would be the best thing to do here? Extend the Orm query model and write my own where_exists() function or similar? Thanks!
  • Try
    DB::expr('not exists')
  • Oh that works perfectly, thanks!
  • paulbennett wrote on Tuesday 7th of February 2012:
    Oh that works perfectly, thanks!

    What did your final query look like? I'm trying to do the same thing, but I can't figure out where to put my DB::expr(). Thanks.
  • You can use DB::expr() for everything that you don't want to be escaped.

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