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Fuel 2.0: can i continue my major project on 1.1
  • Hi, Please when is Fuel 2.0 coming out. Can I continue my major project on1.1, when 2.0 comes out, will i do an entire rewrite of the system. Please advise
  • Fuel 2.0 is a long way off. As we've stated before between major versions some serious Backwards Compatibility may be broken but we'll take care to provide as much BC as possible and clear documentation on upgrading.
  • I've also got a major project on the cards. Dev will be a long affair! I just want to clarify how to best future proof against the roadmap item 'Rewrite Form/Validation/Fieldset classes'. Would I be right in thinking it's best to pretend the Fieldset class doesn't exist. Just follow the practices for forms/validation used in the 'oil generate admin'?
  • At this point I can't tell you how to future-proof yourself as I have no idea yet how it will exactly turn out. I have promised though that I will do my upmost to keep it largely backwards compatible. But not using it because it may be replaced later is never a good solution. Whatever it turns into will resemble what is there now, if you already have a similar setup upgrading to the Fuel v2 setup will take far less time than if you never used anything like that and will have to completely rewrite your code structure. Any part of Fuel may be replaced in the future, use the tools you have now and don't worry about what we may release in 6 months. We will keep bugfixing and supporting the 1.x branch for at least 6 months after the release of a 2.0. And I have currently Fuel 1.x based projects which I will not move to the 2.0 codebase until that's stable as my clients don't give a shit if I'm using the latest, all they care about is if it's stable.

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