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Loading a Model's 'parent'
  • I am using ORM to relate my models. I have successfully set up the _has_one relation, but have a question on the _belongs_to relation. If I have a Model_Parent that _has_many Model_Child(ren)
    and, of course, a Model_Child that _belogs_to a Model_Parent and I $child = Model_Child::find('first') How do I access the Model_Parent information from $child? Do I have to load from the highest level? (aka, load Model_Parent?) The docs don't provide an example of how to access _beongs_to info: Thanks in advance,
    Loving FuelPHP!
  • You can access the parent by $child->parent
  • That's what I expected, not happening: <code>
    class Model_Journey extends \Orm\Model
    protected static $_has_many = array(
    'events' => array(
    'key_from' => 'id',
    'model_to' => 'Model_Event',
    'key_to' => 'journey',
    'cascade_save' => false,
    'cascade_delete' => false,
    class Model_Event extends \Orm\Model
    protected static $_belongs_to = array(
    'theJourney`' => array(
    'key_from' => 'journey',
    'model_to' => 'Model_Journey',
    'key_to' => 'id',
    'cascade_save' => false,
    'cascade_delete' => false,
    ... $event = Model_Event::find('all'); echo $event->theJourney; //OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: Property "theJourney" is not found for Model_Event.
    </code> I've tried several combinations of different keys for the associative array with no luck. Passing the relation in the find('first', array('theJourney')) always errors as well with a relation not found error. Am stuck, suspect typo, can't see forest through trees... Thanks,
  • I am not an expert at FuelPHP, using it for two weeks now, but I think you have to add the property to the properties array. Can you post the full models and a SQL layout of your tables?
  • Afaik relations should not be in the properties array, that's for table columns only. I would more go for an error in the relationship definition, that will cause the property not to be created.

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