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Call to a member function body() on a non-object
  • Not sure what am doing wrong here..i trying to add construct() to load asset path.. but it doesn't like it. How else would i add the asset path to a extended base controller?
    class Controller_Base_Admin extends \Controller_Template {
        public $template = 'templates/admin/template';
        function __construct() {

    ErrorException [ Error ]: Call to a member function body() on a non-object COREPATH/classes/controller/template.php @ line 55 50 // After contorller method has run output the template
    51 public function after()
    52 {
    53 if ($this->auto_render === true)
    54 {
    55 $this->response->body($this->template);
    56 }
    58 return parent::after();
    59 }
  • Your constructor is defined without required parameters, and isn't calling the parent constructor
    class Controller_Base_Admin extends \Controller_Template {
        public $template = 'templates/admin/template';
     public function __construct(\Request $request, \Response $response)
            parent::__construct($request, $response);
  • The same goes for before() and after() methods. You must call parent's methods to overwrite them.
    public function before() {
      // Your code.
    public function after() {
      // Your code.
  • thanks guys!

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