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operator OR
  • hi, I want to do the following query:
    SELECT * FROM `actualites` WHERE `categorie` = 'geie' OR `categorie` ='sitmb' OR `categorie` ='atmb' I tried : $data = Model_Actualite::find(
    array('where' => array( 'categorie' => 'geie'),
    'or' => array( 'categorie' => 'sitmb'),
    'or' => array( 'categorie' => 'atmb'),
    'order_by' => 'id'
    )); but my operator 'OR' doesn't work, does someone know what is the usage for the 'OR' operator, I can't find it.
    Thank you
  • There is no operator called 'or', don't know where you got that from. The docs mention 'or_where', maybe you can try that?

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