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Profiling database issue
  • Hi, The first thing to mention is that I am really impressed with the Fuel Framework. I downloaded it this afternoon and am already finding that I can be productive with it. I have created a simple blog using the ORM package to introduce my self to Fuel and everything works fine but I am receiving the following error when I turn on profiling in config. Notice! ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined property: PhpQuickProfiler::$queryCount COREPATH/vendor/phpquickprofiler/phpquickprofiler.php @ line 102: 101: if($this->db != '') {
    102: $queryTotals += $this->db->queryCount;
    103: foreach($this->db->queries as $key => $query) {
  • Hey Phil, You already made a bugreport out of this, no need to cross-post.
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