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  • I am trying to create a fieldset with custom form names rather than just form_field_name and label for form_form_field_name. I've tried all sorts of ways to do this but I can't seem to get it to work. The fieldset example at doesn't seem to have this, how do I go about it? Also, how can I get it to generate fieldset tags? Is it possible to specify that fields are not generated in a table?
  • set_config() is meant to allow you to override items in the forms config file, so only those keys can be used. I have a very customized one that does this:
    // fetch the definition of this form
    $formdata = \Config::get('forms');
    // add a form header
    $formdata['form_template'] = str_replace('{legend}', __('global.information'), $formdata['form_template']);
    $formdata['form_template'] = str_replace('{info}', $info, $formdata['form_template']);
    $formdata['form_template'] = str_replace('{header}', $title, $formdata['form_template']);
    // add buttons
    $formdata['form_template'] = str_replace('{buttons}',
     Form::submit('formbutton[save]', __(''), array('id' => 'form_formbutton[save]', 'class' => 'formbutton positive')).
     Form::submit('formbutton[refresh]', __('global.refresh'), array('id' => 'form_formbutton[refresh]', 'class' => 'formbutton', 'formnovalidate')).
     Form::submit('formbutton[cancel]', __('global.cancel'), array('id' => 'form_formbutton[cancel]', 'class' => 'formbutton negative', 'formnovalidate')),
    // create the fieldset
    $fieldset = Fieldset::forge('users')->set_config($formdata)->set_config(array('form_attributes' => array('onsubmit' => 'fuel_set_csrf_token(this)')))->add_model($model)->repopulate();

  • Thanks - I'll have another look through that. It'll prove helpful to cross reference with what you have provided.

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