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DB Class
  • Hey, I seems to be getting some strange errors with the DB class, running this:
    $data['entry'] = DB::select()->from('mini_lists')->execute()->get();

    gets me this error: is this a bug or is my syntax wrong? (its from docs) Update: Tried a normal query
     $data['entry'] = DB::query('SELECT * FROM mini_lists');

    it just outputs the query string get() and execute() only says
    Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception [ Error ]: Database results are read-only
  • I' new to Fuel and I think my code is OK, but I have the same problem and I don't know how to solve it.
    It's a module ("Books") but the code is the same (with "\" before certain names, something I don't understand yet)
    namespace Books;
    class Controller_Books extends \Controller {
     public function action_index()
      $data = array();
      $data['result'] = Model_Books::books_all();
      $this->response->body = \View::factory('welcome/index', $data);
    The model works by itself and if I run the query directly on the controller, it does too. But I doesn't pass the "->execute()" result to the "$data" array. Here's the model:
    namespace Books;
    class Model_Books extends \Model {
     public static function books_all()
      $result = \DB::select()->from('books')->execute();
      return $result;
  • It's probably because a Database_Result object can't get past the output encoding. Also: next time create your own topic, you're hijacking an old topic to post a pretty unrelated question.
  • The get method gets you a specific column from whatever row you're currently on. The error you're getting is because you're not providing the name of the column - which the method requires.
  • There is no get() in executing a query:
    $this->record = \DB::select()->where('id', '=', $value)->from($table)->execute();
  • Harro Verton wrote on Thursday 7th of April 2011:
    There is no get() in executing a query:
    $this->record = \DB::select()->where('id', '=', $value)->from($table)->execute();
    Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception [ Error ]: Database results are read-only

    gives me this error: Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception [ Error ]: Database results are read-only
    COREPATH/classes/database/result.php @ line 248
    Update: using as_array() seems to return the results right but as_object() does not work.
    $data['entry'] = DB::select()->where('list_id', '=', '1')->from('mini_lists')->execute()->as_array();

    ErrorException [ Error ]: Call to undefined method Fuel\Core\Database_MySQL_Result::as_object()
  • That's not an error on the query itself. You're trying to directly modify the result of the query, which is impossible since they're accessed via an iterator (which is read-only). Next time please include the code that causes the error, so we don't have to guess...

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