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ORM Method chaining
  • Hi, I don't know if this is a bug or my usage of ORM chaining with order_by() but with no where() clause which is causing my issue. The docs state:
    $query = Model_Article::find()->where('category_id', 1)->order_by('date' => 'desc');

    I thought it was a simple typo error as it indicates that order_by is expecting an array to be passed suggested by the usage or the => operator. I added the array statement but got an empty result when I tried:
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by(array('blog_date' => 'desc'));

    I then looked at the ORM query.php class and tried this:
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by('blog_date', 'desc');

    I then got this error:
    Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception [ Error ]: Object class was not whitelisted in security.whitelisted_classes and could not be converted to string.
    COREPATH/classes/security.php @ line 180

    This however works fine:
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find('all', array(
         'order_by' => array('blog_date' => 'desc')

    Am I missing something? Phil.
  • You can not pass objects directly to views, the security class will prevent that by trying to convert it to string. Which fails if the object doesn't have a __toString() method. Use the View's set() method with the second parameter set to 'false' to pass variables to a view without a security check. With regards to the order_by() issue, -> order_by( array('field' => 'ASC') ) is correct. Can you enable the profiler (in app/config/config.php AND app/config/db.php) and check what query is produced when you use this?
  • Hi, Profiling turned on in both config and db. One query is run if I use
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find('all', array(
         'order_by' => array('blog_date' => 'desc')
    Query run
    SELECT `t0`.`id` AS `t0_c0`, `t0`.`title` AS `t0_c1`, `t0`.`post` AS `t0_c2`, `t0`.`blog_date` AS `t0_c3` FROM `blogs` AS `t0` ORDER BY `t0`.`blog_date` DESC
    Possible keys: · Key Used: · Type: ALL · Rows: 2 · Speed: 0.000 ms
    No query (0 Queries) are run using:
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by(array('blog_date' => 'desc'));
    Here is my Model_Blog
    class Model_Blog extends Orm\Model {
        protected static $_properties = array('id', 'title', 'post', 'blog_date');
        protected static $_has_many = array('comments');
    And here is my Model_Comments
    class Model_Comments extends Orm\Model {
        protected static $_properties = array('id', 'blog_id', 'author', 'comment', 'comment_date');
        protected static $_belongs_to = array('blog');
    And my database structure
    -- Table structure for table `blogs`
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `post` text NOT NULL,
      `blog_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `comments`
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `comment` text NOT NULL,
      `comment_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  • $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by(array('blog_date' => 'desc'));
    This won't do a query because you don't tell it to. You create the query using find(), tell it to order desc by blog_date. But you never tell it to execute.
    // find all for your query
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by(array('blog_date' => 'desc'))->get();
    // get only the first result (or, as you're using "desc" ordering, actually the last)
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by(array('blog_date' => 'desc'))->get_one();
  • Hi, Thanks for the suggestion but I have already tried that and fuel produces the following error: ErrorException [ Error ]: Call to a member function get() on a non-object Phil.
  • Ah, you found a bug - when inputting an array the order_by() method doesn't return its object to allow chaining. I'll fix this in the repo for the next release, for now the following should work:
    $data['results'] = Model_Blog::find()->order_by('blog_date', 'desc')->get();
  • OK. Thank you WanWizard and Jelmer for your help. Phil.

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