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xeround connection setup.
  • I'm having a really really really hard time setting up the connection to my xeround database. this is what it looks like.,
    'developmentpdo' => array(
        'type'           => 'pdo',
        'connection'     => array(
            'dsn'            => ';port=8070;dbname=DBNAME',
            'username'       => 'DBUSERNAME',
            'password'       => 'SECUREPASSWORD',
            'persistent'     => false,
        'table_prefix'   => '',
        'charset'        => 'utf8',
        'caching'        => false,
        'profiling'      => false,

    when I run

    I get this :(
    this is what my model looks like ( this is my sandbox model )
    class Model_Sandbox extends Orm\Model
     protected static $_properties = array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name');
     protected static $_table_name = 'people';
    why is this happening when everything seems to be correct?
  • The fact that your webserver doesn't send any data is imho not related to a database definition. If anything is wrong there, you should get an error message, and if in development mode, code traces and a code back trace too. You might get this issue when you have zlib compression enabled, you're in development mode, and a PHP fatal error occurs. This is due to a PHP bug when dealing with compressed output in a shutdown handler. I've recently committed a workaround for this problem to 1.1/develop, so switch to that version or if you can't, borrow classes/error.php from 1.1/develop. It should work fine in the 1.1 release version.
  • @WanWizard I copied over the Error.php class from the core folder 1.1/develop and still have the same result. When I do the following, it returns information perfectly.
     $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=HOST;port=PORT_NUMBER;dbname=DB_NAME", "DB_USERNAME", "SECURE_PASSWORD");
     $STH = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM `people`");
     while($row = $STH->fetch()) {
      echo $row['first_name'].'&nbsp;'.$row['last_name'];

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