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Relation Database ORM Design
  • Hello everyone, I am very new to the fuelphp and i wanted to know if anyone can help me to do the relations after scaffolding the following database design. rTOYV.jpg Thankyou very much in advance, any help would really help me in this learning progress.
  • See You'll have to define $_primary_key for every model because they deviate from the standard. In terms of relations, AdClassifieds has a 'has_many' to all other tables, all other tables have a 'belongs_to' to AdClassifieds. See on how to define the relation.
  • Thankyou for the reply, I have figured out, but the question now is how do i separate the forms that will be used to insert data into the above tables. I want to display a dynamic form based on the selected category. If property category is selected then it should display the form fields for properties table. Is this possible, if so how? Thankyou PS: For some reason i am not able to login into my previous account, therefore i created a new one. Hope it's not a problem.
  • I see you've asking the same question in the CodeIgniter forum. I think you need to understand that a framework doesn't teach or help you to learn programming, it just provides you the tools to do things better and quicker. The questions you ask are related to application design, and not really to FuelPHP (or any other framework). You might want to look at how applications are built using PHP in a stateless environment.

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