$data['question'] = Model_Objanswer::find()->related('questions')->get();
public function action_view($id = null) { // Uncomment for lazy loading //$data['questions'] = Model_Question::find($id); // Uncomment for eagar loading //$data['questions'] = Model_Question::find($id, array('related' => array('objanswers'))); $this->template->title = "Question"; $this->template->content = View::factory('questions/view', $data); }Model_Objanswer :
class Model_Objanswer extends Orm\Model { protected static $_properties = array('id','qid','otext'); protected static $_belongs_to = array('questions'); }Model_Question :
class Model_Question extends Orm\Model { protected static $_has_many = array('objanswers' => array( 'model_to' => 'Model_Objanswer', 'key_from' => 'id', 'key_to' => 'qid', 'cascade_save' => true, 'cascade_delete' => false, )); }questions/view.php
<p> <strong>Qtext:</strong> <?php echo $questions->qtext; ?> </p> <p> <strong>Qtype:</strong> <?php echo $questions->qtype; ?> </p> <strong>Answers:</strong><br> <?php foreach($questions->objanswers as $objanswer): ?> <?php echo $objanswer->otext; ?><br> <?php endforeach ?> <?php echo Html::anchor('questions/edit/'.$questions->id, 'Edit'); ?> | <?php echo Html::anchor('questions', 'Back'); ?>
class Model_Objanswer extends Orm\Model { protected static $_properties = array('id','qid','otext'); protected static $_belongs_to = array('questions' => array('key_from' => 'qid')); }You need to set the key from because it's expected to be "question_id". Model_Question :
class Model_Question extends Orm\Model { protected static $_has_many = array('objanswers' => array('key_to' => 'qid')); }You only need to set the key_to because that's still expected to be "question_id", all the other values are like they're expected. Edit: Also next time: put your code between [ code] & [/ code] tags (without the space in there)
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