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Auth driver error
  • Hi to all, These days I'm figuring out my way around Fuel's awesomeness. I'm still getting used to the differences from CI.
    I'm trying to make a simple auth driver so I can learn in the process. However I've got stuck in step 1. When trying to use the driver the app throws an exception "ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Auth_Login_Slauth' not found". However the file for the login driver is called slauth.php and is located in packages/auth/classes/login.
    This is the declaration and the namespace
    namespace Auth;
    class Auth_Login_Slauth extends \Auth_Login_Driver

    Is there anything I'm missing or erring in?
  • This is one of the docs I should write ASAP but don't have the time to :( Like you shouldn't extend the core within the core, you shouldn't extend a package within itself (unless of course it's your own package of some kind, than it's all up to you). Put the file in your app at fuel/app/classes/auth/login/slauth.php and remove the namespace decleration and it should work fine. (and why it isn't found currently: classes within the Auth package need to be registered in the Auth's bootstrap to be found by the autoloader, but you should just extend in your app)
  • As you explained it it sounds pretty obvious, don't know how I didn't think of it.
    Thanks for the clarification and thanks for the great framework.

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