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Using ORM to populate select options
  • I have an ORM model that uses a foreign key to associate items to a single category. There is a has_many relation set up but I don't know how to get the ID and names for the select control when rendering the form. I can do this by hand, as it were, but I'm hoping it's something ORM could do itself and subsequently re-populate during editing. Perhaps something like this in my Model?: $_properties = array( 'category' => array( ... 'form' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => {{from category table}} ) ); Thanks for your time.
  • Hi, I'm a recent convert from CodeIgniter trying to get this same functionality working in my app. Is there a way I could get a complete example?
  • The docs are pretty good:
    This tutorial may also help:
    I'll see if I can get some sort of example for you using what I've got.
  • You can make a function in your model which fetches the options from the database and that array to the property in the $_properties array. Make sure you execute the function in the init() method, so every time you instantiate that model the options will be loaded.
    public function get_options()
        self::$_properties['options']['form']['options']  = \DB::select('id', 'option')->from('options')->execute()->as_array('id', 'option');
  • Thank you - worked perfectly. self::$_properties = \DB::select('cat_id', 'title')->from('categories')->execute()->as_array('cat_id', 'title');
  • And if the options don't change very often, you can decide to cache the results:
  • Nice, this was for an admin site but that's perfect for the public side. Thanks for the tip.

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