Hi Guys,
I believe that my question is a general PHP logic but I'm at a wits end now and scrathing my head for the last 2 days now. Basically what I want to achieve is to display all the category as a checkbox and tick any of it if its was checked previously. Appreciate if some kind spirit can enlighten the poor soul here http://scrp.at/bua
The in_array function expects the second param to be an array not an object... So you have to convert the $business->categories object to an array
Thanks Ranie for the reply. I appreciate it. As you said, I have to convert the $business->categories into an array as per below. Thanks for the help.
<?php foreach ($categories as $category)
if (isset($business->categories))
foreach ($business->categories as $category_value)
$bcategories[] = $category_value->id;
$bcategories[] = array();
<li class="left"><?php echo Form::checkbox('categories[]', $category->id, in_array($category->id, $bcategories) ? true:false).Form::label($category->name,'categories', array('class' => 'inline-label')); ?></li>
<?php } ?>