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Fuel - Performance and other things that matter
  • Hi, This is aimed at people who are considering using the Fuel framework or have a general performance question in relation to Fuel. This is not meant to be an in depth analysis it is just my opinion and findings. I have been looking for a new framework for a while now and here are my finding concerning Fuel as a whole so far. Speed is important to me and I have found that the simple test apps (blog, forum, jQuery handling, etc...) that I have put together in order to learn how Fuel works internally out perform the same test apps in CodeIgniter, Cake, Yii, Symfony, Zend and Kohana. CodeIgniter, Kohana and Yii were not that far behind but it is still a measurable difference. The Fuel ORM does add a bit of an overhead but it is surprisingly small (still need to look at the Auth package). One of the key things for me which I would also count in the performance of a framework was the time it takes to produce something. Fuel is again quicker to develop something in than the afore mentioned frameworks. Fuel is also fast when it comes to resolving issues too by using the Debug and Profiler both are very useful. I have only had dealings with two of the project development team so far those being Jelmer and WanWizard but am pleased with how they have responded to my questions (even the stupid ones) and both have been very polite and constructive with their answers so another plus for me is the level of support. This alone is worth a lot in my opinion. I know I digressed a little but I see performance as a package not a single thing. Phil.
  • We've used Fuel RC1 on a full commercial project and found it much faster to develop in than CI or Kohana. Having said that we're still using Kohana's ORM for now.
    The Dev team (especially Phil Sturgeon and Jelmer) have done a great job so far and should be congratulated.
  • Remember that the performance of Auth and ORM should not be considered in any benchmark relating the the speed of Fuel. ORM's are notorious for being memory hogs which is why we decided a new one needed to be built. Jelmer did an absolutely stunning job but at the same time ORM is an extra package, not part of the core.
  • Hi Phil, Your right in hind sight maybe I could have worded the comment about the ORM better. I would like to state that the ORM that Jelmer has produced whilst remaining functionally rich has a very small overhead in comparison to others that I have come across. I have stayed away from using any form of ORM up to now because of the bloat they normally add but having looked at the ORM that comes with Fuel I may well reconsider that and start using it as I mentioned the overhead is surprisingly small so I may well be converted. As for benchmarking:
    Fuel was still fast with and without the ORM so I wouldn't be concerned at all but again as you mentioned it is a package and not part of the core so if anyone is performing any really concise framework benchmarking analysis then for a true comparison they should only test with a like for like framework with an optional addon ORM. I am willing to bet that Fuel is still faster though based on what I have found. How impressed am I:
    I have been looking for a good robust PHP framework for a while now and am not about to jump on any band wagon just because it is flavour of the month but as a result of my analysis of Fuel and due to the fact that it has been found to be flexible, stable and damn fast to develop in with version 1 looming just around the corner. I have formally announced that I have added Fuel to our development tool portfolio as our preferred development framework. Phil.

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