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Seperate Form Validation for Create & Edit Users, to differentiate password validation
  • I am creating a user scaffold that allows me to perform CRUD for the users from the admin panel. Not sure if im doing this right though.. I ran oil g admin users <userfields> This generated all of the edit/delete/create/view/list files Create works great.. I am now trying to setup form validation that is different for the create and edit actions. Create: require confirm_password to match password
    Edit: password fields are not available (a checkbox in its place, to send password reset email) however since the validation is set in the model as password:required and confirm_password:required the model throws an error "OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: Property "password" not found for Model_User." for edit. Any ideas on how i can circumvent this?
  • That is an odd error, because if 'password' is a column it should always be present in the model. What have you exactly done to setup the validation? How have you added "confirm_password' to it, as it is not a column of the model?
  • Its definitely not an "odd error".. FuelPHP sets validation rules in the model. When I create a user i want to validate the password and confirm password When I Edit a user i DO NOT want to validate the password and confirm password, as these fields will not be available in the form.. nor will they be editable. I need to know how i can define validation rules seperately. My User Model:
    My create form: has confirm_password and password fields
    My Edit form: does not have these fields, as such when validation runs.. it fails because its looking for them to try and validate them

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