Hi guys/gals,
Just starting out with fuelphp so thought I'd grab a tutorial recommend on this forum in another post over at http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/getting-started-with-the-fuel-php-framework/
Just started following and already hit a problem, the very first step says to create your own controller and echo hello world from it. But when I point my browser to the method I get this error:
Fuel\Core\FuelException [ Error ]: Controller_Hello::action_index() or the controller after() method must return a Response object.
Can anyone help me with this?
This tutorial is based on v1.0, and no longer current ( we're on 1.2 at the moment ).
As the message says, action methods are now ( as of v1.1 ) required to return a Response object. Alternatively you can return a string or something that can be cast to a string, in which case FuelPHP will encapsulate it into a Response object for you.
What is not acceptable is to return something else, and that includes not returning anything ( which actually returns null ).
So, the official return is