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Variables in namespace?
  • This is probably a n00b question, but I was wondering if FUEL (or PHP for that matter) allows for variables in a namespace? Simple example of what I would want to accomplish (code is not working btw):
    // get section info
    $section = Model_Section::find()->where('id', $section_id)->get_one();
    // module of section is specified in database
    $module = $section->module;
    // get the item through the model, that lives in a module
    // desired result for example: 
    // $item = Blog\Model_Item::find()->where('id', $item_id)->get_one();
    $item = $module\Model_Item::find()->where('id', $item_id)->get_one();

    This specific code isn't working, and throws a parsing error (obviously). But it does show the desired result .. Is there a trick to accomplish it?
  • No. But you can use call_user_func() to call a class method using variables, including static calls and namespaces.

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