Currently when using Oil to generate models, the ID, created_at and updated_at fields are added automatically. I'd like to add an 'active' property (basically a tinyint) to my default model class, so that it is added when using the command line.
Is this fairly easy to achieve with Fuel? I don't really want to start hacking around the project files - I'll only break something!
The code that generates the model is in oil/views/scaffolding/orm/model.php.
You can copy that to app/views/scaffolding/orm/model.php and modify it to your liking.
Remember, one of FuelPHP's strenghts is that (almost) everything is extendible!
Excellent, thank you.
Is there something similar I can do with the SQL to actually create the database then? I guess the default migration - this doesn't seem to be with everything else.
Do you mean the code that generates the migration?
See oil/classes/generate/migration/actions.php. I'm not sure how to extend this single file, as Oil classes are not aliased. I'll ask around.