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Property not found - Am I missing something?
  • I'm trying to build models using ORM in FuelPHP, never used ORM before, so not sure of certain aspects. I have a table Project and a table Revision. Now, projects have multiple revisions, revision has only one project. However, I have an additional link between Project and Revision where I always keep the ID of the latest revision in my Project table. My tables look like this:
    - id
    - latest_revision_id
    - ...
    - id
    - project_id
    - ...

    The project model:
    class Model_Project extends Orm\Model
        protected static $_belongs_to = array(
            'latest_revision' => array(
                'key_from' => 'latest_revision_id'
        protected static $_has_many = array(

    The revision model:
    class Model_Revision extends \Orm\Model
        protected static $_belongs_to = array(
        protected static $_has_one = array(
            'project' => array(
                'key_to' => 'latest_revision_id',

    However, when I try to access: $project->latest_revision, it gives me an OutOfBoundException: OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: Property "latest_revision_id" not found for Model_Project exception. Am I missing something? Thanks!

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