I have a question regarding using multiple sections of pagination on a single page. My reasoning for this is that I am using a tabbed interface (http://cl.ly/Hz9d). Is there a way to call the page_links method for a specific pagination configuration? In example, all articles vs most popular articles?
Thank you!
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason the reply notification was in my spam box. I have already set up two different configs, however, when I echo Pagination::create_links() for the second time, it generates the links for the first config. How do I tell the create links function to echo the links for the second config instead of the first?
Thanks for your help Harro. You've helped me numerous times in the past.
EDIT: I was echoing create_links in the view, instead of the ViewModel, so it was getting the wrong links. Instead, I passed the links from the function to the view. Sorry, noob mistake. Thanks for your help, Harro!