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Asset::find_file in a command line php oil
  • Hello,

    In a script, I test if a file exists with Asset::find_file.
    All is OK in my browser, but when this script is called in a command line with php oil, it returns always false, even when it should not.

    in the command line : 
    env FUEL_ENV=coc_development php oil r myclass:mymethod

    Could you help me ?
  • Asset by default looks for files relative to the DOCROOT constant, which is different for web requests and oil. If you need them to be the same, you need to change it in the oil script.
  • OK great. But I don't find where can i do that ?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    in the oil script:

    You probably need to add


    to it, assuming you have a standard setup with your index.php in ./public.

    See also for a definition.
  • OK thanks !

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