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  • peter vercauteren wrote on 02/09/11 3:21 pm:
    I dont get why you have the same views for user in the modules and the main view folder.
    You can remove the users folder from modules and it still works fine.
  • Dregond Rahl wrote on Saturday 30th of July 2011:
    David MacLean wrote on Thursday 28th of July 2011:
    I'm falling down on step zero.
    Where do I put the files?
    Seems like the download includes fuel.
    Or should I copy the stuff into fuel and trust whatever overwrites...

    Start by reading all the docs :
    The answer is in post #14: YES. Install by manually copying selected files into an existing fuel setup.
    NO. Do not trust whatever overwrites! Start with a clean fuel install.
    YES Seems like the download include fuel, but it really doesn't: most directories are stubs. Thank you Abdelrahman for this little jump start!
  • It does work when you just copy the files from controller/model and view and change the index/config and db from your RC1 fuelphp version.
  • i would like to contribute in this blog . what should i do for it
  • Which version of Fuel is this using? Phil.
  • Abdelrahman Mahmoud wrote on Saturday 30th of July 2011:
    Chris Arnold wrote on Tuesday 26th of July 2011:
    I've downloaded and installed Stationwagon, however I couldn't find the database.sql file? I've used the SQL posted by PaulboCo but had to change the table names, now it's not recognising some of the fields... can anyone point me in the right direction of the database.sql file please? Thanks
    Sorry about that, the database.sql should be available in the repo now.
    Thanks abdem, works a treat now! :)

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