class Controller_Example extends Controller { public function action_index() { $data['css'] = Asset::css(array('reset.css','960.css','main.css')); return Response::forge(View::forge('welcome/index')); } }does nothing with the $data array, and I can't find a solution in the relevant "Asset" docs.
class Controller_Example extends Controller { public function action_index() { // create the view $view = View::forge('welcome/index'); // assign the assets to the view variable 'css'. Use 'false' to prevent the HTML to be escaped $view->set('css', Asset::css(array('reset.css','960.css','main.css')), false); // return the view return $view; } } // in your view <?php echo $css; ?>
// controller class Controller_Example extends Controller { public function action_index() { // add the assets to the asset group 'header' Asset::css(array('reset.css','960.css','main.css')), array(), 'header'); // return the view return View::forge('welcome/index'); } } // in your view <?php echo Asset::render('header'); ?>
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