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CRUD, primary key not being autoincrement
  • Hi everybody,
    ran into a problem when using the crud, my model looks like this:
    class Model_Crud_Mcms_Placeholder extends \Fuel\Core\Model_Crud
    { protected static $_properties = array(
    protected static $_table_name = 'Placeholder';
    protected static $_primary_key = 'name';
    protected static $_rules = array(
    'name' => 'max_length[255]',
    'example' => 'max_length[255]'
    ); }
    When I save the content to the DB the crud base think it's an autoincrement and puts the value 0 into the name column, is there a way to configure the crud in order to avoid the last insert id to be put to the primary key column? Thanks for the help
  • Both Model_Crud and ORM expect the primary key to be defined as INT AUTO_INCREMENT. If you have defined it differently, you will have to make sure the column contains a valid key value before you save the record.
  • Thanks for the update. Guess I will have to find another way to deal with it. When I do my update I do following: $m = Model_Crud_Mcms_Placeholder ();
    $m->name = "test_name";
    $m->example = "this is the example";
    $m->save(); echo $m->name; // prints: 0, expected: test_name
  • if somebody else runs into this problem a possible workaround is to extend the save method, I added following to my crud model: public function save($validate = true)
    $name = $this->name;
    $ret_val = parent::save($validate);
    $this->name = $name ;
    return $ret_val;
  • If you have a field to which you assign a value, and this value is gone after save, that would classify as a bug. Can you create an issue for this at so it can be fixed?

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