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Documentation suggestion
  • I've been using the (excellent) docs with Fuel and find some areas which are unclear. I don't want to "step on toes" as it were, but I also would like to see these made clear in the docs. So: In the documentation file: /docs/classes/database/db.html The example calls to methods which return a result are all shown with valid php example code. However, in the model doc: /docs/general/models.html
    There are numerous examples of the use of a DB method which DO NOT show the proper php code to deal with the returned result. For example, on line 133 of /docs/general/models.html
    this is the text:
    DB::query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 5');
    This select statement DOES return a result, but the example line of code does NOT show how the return value is to be accepted. It should say something like:
    $result = DB::query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 5');
    It will take some time to discover all of the places in the documentation where this is a problem. I suggest and recommend that all example code should be presented as a training device for those not familiar with FuelPHP, which means using proper php syntax as if it were being used in a working application. I'll be happy to work with whoever is addressing the docs now, but don't know who they are...
  • We have a "vacancy" for the position of DocMaster, so currently nobody is overseeing it. The easiest at the moment is to fork the docs repo, make changes, and send a pull request which we can merge. When our Depot project goes live all documentation will move to an online system using Markdown (a bit like the github wiki) where you can edit directly without having to deal with coding HTML and setting merge requests.

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