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Response problem while using after() in a Controller
    Hello everyone, I started to use FuelPHP, and it's really an amazing framework in my opionion.
    But I got a problem, my first problem. It happens both in Controller_Template and Controller classes. So, I got a normal controller with after() and before() methods. The problem is that an error happens :
    Fuel\Core\FuelException [ Error ]: Controller_Admin::action_login() or the controller after() method must return a Response object.

    My before() method contains, at the beggining, parent::before(); Same for my after() method (parent::after($response)). Now, I don't know what I can do to correct this... Here is the full code :
     * The Admin Controller.
     * Controller of the whole admin
     * @package  app
     * @extends  Controller
    class Controller_Admin extends Controller_Template
     public $template = 'admin/_layout';
     public $title = 'Administration de QMCE';
     public $data = array();
      * Before : Check authentification
      * @access  public
      * @return  Response
     public function before()
      //Check authentification
      $auth = Auth::instance();
      if (Request::active()->action != 'login')
         Session::set_flash('information', '<b>Information :</b> Ce formulaire vous deconnectera de votre compte actuel.');
      if (Request::active()->action == 'login')
         Session::set_flash('informationLogin', '<b>Information :</b> Vous etiez deja connecte en tant qu\'admin, vous avez ete deconnecte.');
         Session::set_flash('informationLogin', '<b>Information :</b> Vous etiez deja connecte en tant que non admin, vous avez ete deconnecte.');
      if(Auth::check() AND $auth->member('100'))
       $this->template->set_global('loggedIn', $auth->get_screen_name());
       $this->template->set_global('loggedIn', false);
     public function after($response)
      //Set views infos
            $this->template->title = $this->title;
      $chemin = Uri::string();
      if(Request::active()->action == 'index') //If it's the index
       $segments = Uri::segments();
       if(end($segments) != 'index')
        $chemin .= '/index';
            $this->template->content = View::forge($chemin, $this->data);
            return $response;
      * Index page : Show panel
      * @access  public
      * @return  Response
     public function action_index()
      $this->title .= ' > Accueil';
      * Login method
      * @access  public
      * @return  Response
     public function action_login()
      $this->title .= ' > Login';
      if(Input::post()) //If it is submitted
       $auth = Auth::instance();
       if($auth->login()) //Based on POST name, no need to give ID to it. If login success
        if($auth->member('100')) //If it is a developer
        else //Else, not enough rights
         Session::set_flash('error', '<b>Erreur :</b> Ce compte ne dispose pas des droits necessaires.');
       else //If login fails
        Session::set_flash('error', '<b>Erreur :</b> Les identifiants sont incorrects.');
     public function action_logout()
      $auth = Auth::instance();
      $auth->logout(); //No need to check if user is connected, because else the before method handle and redirect to login
    I know that the before() method is not pretty coded but I'll correct it, I promise ! Thank you in advance. PS : I am sorry for my english, I am french and I am (only) 15 years old, so I am learning but I don't really practice in a real environment.
  • Nothing wrong with your English, and age doesn't matter. Some of us are very young, others are very old... The issue here is that your after() method recieves $response, which is NULL since your action_login() doesn't return anything. Then you call parent::after(), which will create the response object if none was present, but you don't use it's return value, so $response continues to be NULL. Use this instead: p.s. if you have large blocks of code, it would be better to use [url=,],[/url] and post the link here.
  • Thank you very much. For my age, It is not about my dev' level, but about my english. I started to learn 3 years ago, and I never went in a country which speaks english, so... Next time i'll use I thought code coloration was enabled here, I was wrong. Again, thanks a lot !

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