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[CREATE A PACKAGE] - how to do ?
  • Hello guys,
    I have a problem with the package creation. I would like create a package who can add an extend class core.
    In a first time, I would just create a package.
    I follow the tutorial in the FuelPHP's documentation.
    So, I create a directory /djik in packages. I create a file/djik/classes/djik.php with the code :
    class Djik{
     public static function say(){
      echo 'hello';

    I create a file /djik/bootstrap.php with the follow config :
    // Add as core namespace
      'Djik\\Djik' => __DIR__.'/classes/djik.php',

    I update the file /app/config/config.php :
    'always_load'  => array(
     'packages'  => array(
      'djik'=> PKGPATH.'djik/',

    When I use the say function (in the action_index() of my Controller), FuelPhp says : ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Djik\Djik' not found.
    What is the problem ?
    Thanks for your help Djik
  • You've added it as a core namespace, so you need to use \Djik to access the class.
  • Awesome, it's ok. thanks
  • With the update suggested by Harro all works, but I suggest you to define and use your own namespace for every package: if you will use many packages it will save your life (you can use the same class name for different class in different packages).

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