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bootstrap CSS and JS changes
  • Hi all, I'm a beginner using Fuel, and I have a (possibly silly) question: I ran accross an interesting navigation bar using Twitter Bootstrap, but it uses a more recent version than available on version 1.2 or 1.3 of Fuel.
    My question is regarding a possible replacement of these files, as they seem core to the framework. Will I break everything by replacing the files with more recent versions? Specifically this would version 2.1.1.
    The navigation bar would be one of these: Thanks.
  • There's a bootstrap update planned for 1.4/develop.
  • I've not used the "bootstrap" tools at all. You can put your own js and css into your project. If you are using the generic examples that come with FuelPHP, which leans heavily on the twitter tools, then you will have to test your changes. but js and css are not part of the framework itself, but merely the examples used by the developers.
  • Great news!
    I will try it then, thanks! :)

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