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Ideal banking
  • Hello, I've seen a Github entry for an Ideal package for Fuel. Although it clearly states to NOT use it in production I'm wondering if there are either other packages available, or if someone might have an idea howto use Ideal (ING) with Fuel, that is, other then re-inventing the wheel ;) Thanx
  • It's a disclaimer, because I'm not in a position to test all supported banks and all products they offer. But other then that, it's working fine in my applications, and I receive similar feedback from other users. Most banks offer a trial system, so you know quickly enough if it works for you, writing a test controller that does some dummy transactions is less then an hour of work.
  • Thanx for your reply. I actually allready started working with because it looked pretty complete. I was wondering if anybody used in production, i'll test it thoroughly though. May I encounter something I'll post it here.
  • Yes, I do in one app (with ABN-AMRO) and I know Frank (FrenkyNet) had some applications that used it (don't know which bank) and he fixed some bugs will doing that. I've only tested the code using

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