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Using composer packages.
  • Composer is fantastic, and i've already pinpointed a few packages i want to use in a FuelPHP project, but i can't seem to get the autoloading working correctly, i was hoping someone could help clear things up for me? The package i'm wanting to use is Carbon: I've installed composer.phar at fuel/app/composer.phar, and also have a composer.json file requiring the package. It downloads it successfully and installs it in fuel/app/vendor/nesbot/carbon, with the actual class being at the location: fuel/app/vendor/nesbot/carbon/Carbon/Carbon.php. I've tried adding lines similar to this to my fuel/app/bootstrap.php file: Autoloader::add_namespace('Carbon', APPPATH.'vendor/nesbot/carbon', true);
    Autoloader::add_class('Carbon', APPPATH.'/vendor/nesbot/carbon/Carbon/Carbon.php'); But the class does not appear in the list of defined classes - could someone explain what i'm doing wrong?
  • A PSR-0 compliant composer package always has a namespace with two parts, the vendor and the package name. This doesn't look compliant, it's only a single class, so you should not use the 'true' parameter to indicate a PSR-0 namespace. I use this to load Cabinet:
    Autoloader::add_namespace('Cabinet\\DBAL',APPPATH.'vendor/cabinet/classes/Cabinet/DBAL/', true);
    note that the trailing slash is required! There's no need to add the classes, if the namespace is added correctly, adding it will only prevent a file system lookup.
  • Thanks, i've tried adding the following into bootstrap.php, but the class still does not appear in the get_declared_classes list? Autoloader::add_namespace('Carbon', APPPATH.'vendor/nesbot/carbon/Carbon/', false);
  • Once you've mapped the namespace you should be able to load the class. get_declared_classes() lists the classes that are loaded, which doesn't happen until you actually use the class. Fuel doesn't load anything that isn't needed. Hence "autoloader".
  • Ah i see, so how do i actually _use_ the class? Calling Carbon::now() gives me an exception, as does declaring: use Carbon; then trying to use the class. I apologise, my namespace usage knowledge sucks.
  • Ignore that last message, i managed to call the class using the namespace, then the classname, finally! :) thanks for your help. If i want to call it without the namespace, i.e. just Carbon, can i use the add_core_namespace method to bring it into the core namespace, with no negative side effects?

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