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404 Error Accessing My Controller
  • I am trying to learn fuelPHP and I came form a CI background. I am using this tutorial so that I can familiarize myself on this. My problem is in step 2. When I access my simple controller [url=http://localhost/fuel/public/index.php/hello]http://localhost/fuel/public/index.php/hello[/url] I get a 404 error. *fuel is the directory of this freshly installed fuelPHP on my localhost. When I set this to be my default controller, the controller works. Did something change in the new version that prompted this? Note: I am using a fresh install of FuelPHP. Thanks.
  • If you don't install FuelHP according to the instructions in the documentation, you're in for a lot of work due to rewrite misery. So don't use 'localhost' but setup your virtual hosts properly. On your FuelPHP virtual host, point your docroot to the public directory, not to the installation root. That link should work (at least load the controller) providing you have a file called app/classes/controller/hello.php (case sensitive!), containing a class called "Controller_Hello" (case sensitive!) which extends Controller (or one of the other base controllers), and a method called 'action_index'.

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