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oil migrate problem Error - SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists:
  • I added a field to my table using this oil command:
    php oil generate migration add_bio_to_accounts bio:text

    . now i want to add another field to the  same table and I keep getting the following error:

    Error - SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name ...

    I dont understand why it keeps going back to the previous migration and not the new one?
  • Have a look at the migration file generated, what does it contain?
  • Thanks for getting back to me. Below is whats in the last migration that ran successfully and the one that is producing the error.

    namespace Fuel\Migrations;

    class Add_slug_to_posts
    public function up()
    \DBUtil::add_fields('posts', array(
    'slug' => array('constraint' => 255, 'type' => 'varchar'),


    public function down()
    \DBUtil::drop_fields('posts', array(


    amespace Fuel\Migrations;

    class Add_summary_to_posts
    public function up()
    \DBUtil::add_fields('posts', array(
    'slug' => array('type' => 'text'),


    public function down()
    \DBUtil::drop_fields('posts', array(


  • These two migration files add the same column ('slug'), so it's logical you get this database error?

    Both don't match the oil command you gave earlier btw...

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