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FuelPHP 1.4 'packages' => array( 'orm', ),
  • In fuelPHP 1.4 only works with  Package::load('orm'), in config file.
    with 'packages' => array( 'orm',), not works.
    check :
  • That is weird, because all my applications define it like that.

    Have you defined the package path too (it's commented by default)?
  • Look at older fuel config files, you'll see that it you have to do it like this:
    'always_load'  => array(
     'packages' => array(

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I think the confusion is because by default the app/config/config.php file is now empty, all default values are in the core.

    I'll update the docs page.
  • oh.. ok, now is on core/config/config.php :)
  • All default values are in the core, so that only the exceptions need to be added to the app config file.

    I didn't mean to say you should now modify a core file. You shouldn't, add your default override in the app file.

    The reason for this is that there is a significant speed improvement when all config values used are actually defined. Which wasn't the case when the config was in app, as experience showed that while most people upgrade the framework to a new version, they don't verify if files in app require upgrading as well.

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