Is there an explication for that ?
is_null($id) and Response::redirect('<?php echo $controller_name ?>');Which checks first, then loads the model object. And edit does exactly the same.
$data['<?php echo $singular_name ?>'] = Model_<?php echo $model_name ?>::find_by_pk($id);
$data['<?php echo $singular_name ?>'] = Model_<?php echo $model_name ?>::find($id);
is_null($id) and Response::redirect('<?php echo $controller_name ?>');
is_null($id) and Response::redirect('<?php echo $controller_name ?>');
$<?php echo $singular_name; ?> = Model_<?php echo $model_name; ?>::find($id);
is_null($id) and Response::redirect('<?php echo $controller_name ?>');
$<?php echo $singular_name; ?> = Model_<?php echo $model_name; ?>::find($id);
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