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Relation many to many filter WHERE IN
  • - Throws an error. I think this is not what is needed in my case. ON this alias WHERE to use interior JOIN. Thus there is no need to open a new "WHERE" clause as is already open "ON" Example: ON ( = AND (bla-bla OR bla-bla)
  • I can image that throws a SQL error, that's complete rubbish.

    You're 'or_on" clauses are selection criteria, and should be WHERE clauses.
  • You're 'or_on" clauses are selection criteria, and should be WHERE clauses. - I don't understand. Can be an example?
  • This example generates a request:

    DISTINCT * FROM `frocks` JOIN `frocks_sizes` ON (`frocks`.`id` =
    `frocks_sizes`.`frock_id`) WHERE `frocks`.`brand_id` IN (19) OR
    `frocks_sizes`.`size_id` IN (7)

    This is not what I need. "WHERE clause" after "ON", it's like a "WHERE" clause after "WHERE clause"

  • Then I'm lost to what you're trying to do.

    You specify "frocks.brand_id = 19" and "frocks_sizes.size_id = 7", which for me are selection criteria, that have nothing to do with the join.

    From what I understood, you want "All frocks from the selected brands, in the selected sizes".
    That doesn't require a distinct, and not an OR but an AND.

    If this is not what you want, can you describe in words what your query is supposed to do?
  • It should filter dresses in size( the size can be more than one ) by brand, etc. The problem is not in the request, but the fact that the DB Builder does not work correctly. He ignores DISTINCT.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Examine what this query does:

    It joins 'frocks' with 'frocks_sizes', which as it's a one-to-many will cause the 'frocks' part to be repeated. Then you select '*', meaning all fields from both tables. Then you do a DISTINCT, which will return only unique rows.

    You probably assume that this will cause only a single 'frocks' row to be returned. It doesn't. DISTINCT only filters duplicate rows, meaning ALL selected columns must be equal. Which is not the case on a join like this. So DISTINCT works, it just doesn't do what you think it does...

    If you change it to "SELECT frocks.*" it will probably work.
  • - I did this subquery. This works correctly, DISTINCT, OFFSET, LIMIT all works as it should. Thank you Harro, you've helped a lot.

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