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No v1.2.1 in Git repo
  • Who can tell me where is the v1.2.1 in the Git repo? I'm using v1.2.1 and having many problem on upgrading to v1.4.
  • The latest 1.2 version is in the 1.2/master branch. 1.2.1. is a hotfix release on 1.2.

    What kind of problems do you have? Perhaps it's better to fix them, then to stay on a very old version...
  • I'm using Fuel v1.2.1 in my own git.
    I'm trying to rebase my work into cloned Fuel Git repo (using oil create).
    But there is not v1.2.1 in the repo, I can't set my work tree starting point.

    if I copy the latest files to my working directory, I don't know which file is removed e.g. email config file has moved to app/config/ folder.

    In my previous question, I mentioned that I have problem on the hybrid controller which I've used most. But the behaviour has changed since v1.3 ( I guess ) as the REST functions have priority. I have to change all the REST function and the JavaScript code to use v1.4.

    Many samples in the documentation are out-dated. Perhaps it will be fixed a.s.a.p.
  • As I wrote, 1.2/master is the latest 1.2.x version. We don't keep different branches for hotfix releases.

    Config files have always been in app/config, nothing has changed there.
    There is nothing user changable in either the core or in packages. Not a
    good idea either, as it would impact upgrading.

    Afaik the only significant change in the Hybrid controller is that browser requests now also use get_/post_ methods, instead of hardcoded action methods. On the REST side nothing has changed there, so your scripts should be fine.

    If you can show us what the exact problem is that you have, we can help you fix it or find a workaround. Perhaps you can post some code on to show us the problem.

    If you see something not correct in the docs, please create a ticket for it at so someone can have a look at it and fix it.
  • Previously I used the same name for action_ and get_ methods to serve different request. Since the behaviours has changed, I have to rewrite the router and the REST path.

    Well, I'm going to rewrite my project. Just trying to check how many code I have to rewrite after I upgrade to latest version.

    Thanks a lot. I will create as many as ticket when I see something not correct to help improve the framework. Perhaps someday I can be one of the contributors. :-)
  • We always need contibutors! If you have an idea, create a feature request on github so it can be discussed.

    As a Workaround, you could create a Controller_Hybrid in app/classes/controller, that extends \Fuel\Core\Controller_Hybrid, and contains a modified router that reverts to your wanted behaviour for non-ajax calls.That will allow you to upgrade, and update the code at your own pace.

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