Fatal error: Class 'ComponentController' not found in...
This file is used by components in "root/components" inside the controllers. It looks like it doenst get autoloaded but i dont know why not.
The second error i getting is:
Fatal error: Constructor CoffeeScript\Init::init() cannot be static in fuel/packages/coffeescript/classes/Init.php on line 76 Fatal error: Class declarations may not be nested in fuel/core/classes/error.php on line 19
The Fuel autoloader requires all filenames to be lowercase.
You don't mention the OS you're using, but on Windows (and some Mac-OS versions) you can get away with mixed-case filenames, on other platforms you don't.
So fuel/app/classes/componentController.php is not a valid name. Note that this will change in the near future when we move to PSR-1 and the composer autoloader.
Second problem you have it that the Init class has a static method called 'init'. In PHP, for PHP4 compatibility reasons, if a class doesn't have a constructor defined, PHP will look for a method with the same name as the class. As constructors are used in object instantiation, they can not be static.