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Models not loading when files are transferred from a windows server to a linux server
  • I coded and developed a web app using fuelphp using a windows based web server. Now for deployment it will be on a linux based server. When the files have been moved and everything is set up, I get this error:

    ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Model\xxxxx' not found (xxxxx is my class name)

    This only happens in linux, i've tried two completely different linux servers and they both do this. I'm assuming maybe its a case issue, as windows is not case sensitive, but i dont even know where to begin to look.  Anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?

  • It's quite simple. The Fuel coding standards stipulate that ALL folder and filenames should be lower case. So if you have something that is not completely lowercase, then there's your culprit...
  • That was it, thank you! I feel stupid now!
  • Lol. Always time for a learning moment...

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