if (Input::post()) {
$auth = Auth::instance();
if ($auth->login())
$uid = $auth->get_user_id();
$uname = $auth->get_screen_name();
$url = Uri::create('user/:uid',array('uid'=>$uname));
$data['username'] = Input::post('username');
$data['login_error'] = 'Wrong username/password combo. Try again';
public function action_index($uid=NULL)
Debug::dump(Session::get()); // return the username and the login_hash
Debug::dump(Auth::check()); // return false!!!!!
return array(
'db_connection' => null,
'table_name' => 'users',
'table_columns' => array('*'),
'guest_login' => true,
'groups' => array(
-1 => array('name' => 'Banned', 'roles' => array('banned')),
0 => array('name' => 'Guests', 'roles' => array()),
1 => array('name' => 'Users', 'roles' => array('user')),
50 => array('name' => 'Moderators', 'roles' => array('user', 'moderator')),
100 => array('name' => 'Administrators', 'roles' => array('user', 'moderator', 'admin')),
'roles' => array(
'user' => array(
'comments' => array('create', 'read'),
'upload' => array('create', 'read'),
'moderator' => array('comments' => array('update', 'delete')),
'#' => array('website' => array('read')),
'banned' => false,
'login_hash_salt' => '&é#"{(+)[-]}',
'username_post_key' => 'username',
'password_post_key' => 'password',
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