For some reason I have a session problem in my ajax controller in one of my FuelPHP apps... $_SESSION is empty and I can't figure out why. I am using DB driver like in all of my apps, and this is the first time I encounter this. Any tips what could cause this? FuelPHP version is 1.5.
Since you're storing the session data in the database, you should be able to see what is stored in the session. It's a serialized array, so it should be readable.
Yes I know that, and I already checked. Session vars are there and visible inside serialized data but as I said in my ajax rest controller are not accessible... No clues why because I use exact same ajax controller setup in other apps and haven't had problems so far!
Sure, I've pushed quite few fixes already. As far as I can see warden user gets lost in my ajax controller, very strange... and this only in this app, working fine elsewhere.