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Specifying query columns carries over
  • I have a controller that does multiple queries using the same model. The first query looks like this:

            $tickets = Ticket::query(array('id'))->where('location_id', 'IN', \Arr::pluck($result, 'id'))->get();

    It works fine. However, when I try to do an additional query:

    $tickets = Ticket::query()->where('client_id', 20)->get();

    The result only contains the `id` column. Is this the intended functionality? Do I have to do something like Ticket::query('*') to fetch all of the columns?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The ORM caches the results of all queries, as soon as the primary key is part of the result.

    Downside of that is that if you select a partial column list, you will miss data on subsequent queries, because the result is fetched from cache.

    This is not really by design, selecting a subset of columns was never part of the design, and introducing that has led to this side-effect. Passing a select() won't help, because if the primary key is in cache, the database will not be used.

    1.6 has a method from_cache(), that you can use:

    $tickets = Ticket::query()->from-cache(false)->where('client_id', 20)->get();

    It will disable the use of the result cache for this query.
  • Thanks! It looks like the simplest solution is to just not specify the "id" column in the first query.
  • Absolutely right.

    Given the fact the ORM isn't meant to handle large volumes of data, there is no real penalty for fetching all columns.

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